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A cell junction pathology of neural stem cells leads to abnormal neurogenesis and hydrocephalus Biol. Res.
Rodríguez,Esteban M; Guerra,María M; Vío,Karin; González,César; Ortloff,Alexander; Bátiz,Luis F; Rodríguez,Sara; Jara,María C; Muñoz,Rosa I; Ortega,Eduardo; Jaque,Jaime; Guerra,Francisco; Sival,Deborah A; Dunnen,Wilfred F. A. den; Jiménez,Antonio J; Domínguez-Pinos,María D; Pérez-Fígares,José M; McAllister,James P; Johanson,Conrad.
Most cells of the developing mammalian brain derive from the ventricular (VZ) and the subventricular (SVZ) zones. The VZ is formed by the multipotent radial glia/neural stem cells (NSCs) while the SVZ harbors the rapidly proliferative neural precursor cells (NPCs). Evidence from human and animal models indicates that the common history of hydrocephalus and brain maldevelopment starts early in embryonic life with disruption of the VZ and SVZ. We propose that a "cell junction pathology" involving adherent and gap junctions is a final common outcome of a wide range of gene mutations resulting in proteins abnormally expressed by the VZ cells undergoing disruption. Disruption of the VZ during fetal development implies the loss of NSCs whereas VZ disruption...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Hydrocephalus; Abnormal neurogenesis; Neural stem cells; Stem cell transplantation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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